I am happy to announce that my 2m APRS digipeater and 70cm NPR HAMNet Gateway was approved by the Bundesnetzagentur. It was assigned the callsign DO0ZA. The 2m APRS part is already on air. The NPR part will follow soon. Since I love new and experimental technology, a LORA Aprs iGate is also present at DO0ZA’s location.
About DO0ZA
DO0ZA is located under the roof top of my garage at my home location in JN58ot Nassenfels. It took me nearly half a year to bring it to the current state. My goal was to build something own, not just buying a box and configure it.
I am using Direwolf as TNC for this project, no hardware TNC is involved. The entire system runs on a Raspberry 4 with Ubuntu 64 Bit. The setup is using a Motorola GM350 as transceiver, with my homebrewn PTT/sound interface.
You can see a live map of the received APRS traffic in the top menu under the menu item DO0ZA. The map view is realized using a modified version of polaric aprsd. Many thanks to LA7ECA for supporting me with some input and bugfixes.
A lot of articles you find on the blog are based on steps I had top take to build the station. If you are interested in more details just leave me a message!
Next Steps
The next step is defiantly the NPR Setup. A single modem setup for range tests is already in place. The final setup approved by BNetzA for DO0ZA will be based on two NPR-H modems by DO5DSH and goes on-air as soon as I received the required multiplexer. The HAMNet IP range ( is already approved by AMPRNet.
So stay tuned!